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Life Transformation Coaching Program

EDGE Academy™ Coaching is a 12-week one-on-one coaching program designed to 1) Help you unlock your talent and purpose and 2) Live a life of impact and significance. 


Ready to Live a Life of Joy & Purpose?

If you're struggling personally or professionally, then it's time to get help. EDGE Academy™ Coaching will take you from stuck to soaring in 12 weeks. Get the clarity your life deserves and a plan that will remove doubt, build confidence, and activate your impact. 


Developed by Best-Selling Life-Transformation Author Featured In

 EDGE Academy Coaching is...

An In-Depth Personal Transformation Experience for Purpose Seekers Who are Ready to Unlock Clarity, Confidence, and a Path Forward.

Break Out of the Captivity of Complacency and Into the Intent of Impact. 

🫵 You're here for a reason. You're looking for something in your life to be different, to have purpose and meaning. I know how it feels because that used to be me too.

Can you answer "THAT'S ME" to any of these?

You lack joy in your life and feel you are just going through the motions, but have a desire to live a life filled with significance

You believe that living a life of purpose is possible, but are not sure where to start

✅ You have many goals in life, but suffer from distraction and disorganization to accomplish any of them

You are coasting on your day job, complacent and not challenged, and know you have more to offer in the world

✅ You have a talent or gift that you haven't nurtured and have a calling to rediscover it

You experienced job loss, graduation, or some other transitional life event and are looking to gain focus and clarity on what to do next

✅ You are successful, but bored because you feel like you've made it to the top and are uncertain how to keep growing

If any of these resonated with you, then you're in the right place. 


👇Your New Life is Tapping You on the Shoulder

A Framework that Works: How 12 Weeks Can Change Your Life's Trajectory

👓 Accountability through weekly 1:1 Coaching - A coaching framework and agenda is set for each of the 12 weeks, designed to challenge your thinking, uncover barriers, and tap into your strengths in 50-minute sessions.

🪞 Personal Growth through Reflection Homework - Each week, there will be homework assignments and/or journaling entries required to be completed before the next session. This will help uncover your beliefs, values, goals, and identity.

💡 Clarity of Self through Emotional Intelligence Assessments -You will take a number of assessments to help identify personality traits, strengths, learning styles, and more. This builds emotional intelligence, giving you an advantage to chart a path forward. 

🎁 Finish with an Action Plan - Your EDGE Academy™ Coaching program concludes with your individualized Path to Purpose action plan, designed by your coach and you. This plan is the result of your 12 weeks of self-discovery and focused effort, providing a clear direction forward in a life of purpose. 

You Have Support, I Won't Let You Fail!

It takes courage and vulnerability to say "I need some help," and commit to a coaching program. It's not for everybody. It takes focus, dedication, and energy. I've got your back! My promise is to give my best to you and that's what is expected in return.

There's a good chance that we'll laugh and cry together, but through it all your growth is at the center of the work we do together. This is a safe, accepting space for you to be authentic to the core.

After all, you can't move forward if you are stuck in mindsets and patterns that got you where you are today. Because what I've seen over and over is that what got you here, won't keep you here. It's time to find your EDGE and hit reset. 

Purpose Can Be Found Where Talent & Passion Intersect


🔎  Weekly Coaching Agenda

The following outlines your 12 weeks of sessions (subject to change) that will serve as the framework for your transformation. 


   Week 1: Introduction / Program Goals 

   Week 2: How Did I Get Here

   Week 3: Five Forces of Balance

   Week 4: Eliminating Distractions

   Week 5: Discover Yourself (Assessments)

   Week 6: Discover Yourself (Talents & Passions)



  Week 7: Discover Yourself (Life's Storms)

   Week 8: Discover Yourself (Writing Your Identity)

   Week 9: Generate Goals

   Week 10: Enact Discipline

   Week 11: Five Forces of Balance Goals

   Week 12: Path to Purpose Action Plan


Who is Jeremy Haselwood?

Jeremy can be described by many labels: coach, entrepreneur, 2X best-selling author, trainer, speaker, marketer, mentor, creative....

All are true. 

From a coaching perspective, he has coached and mentored individuals and groups for over 10 years. For individuals, his EDGE coaching framework has helped over 3,100 students of his online courses gain more clarity in their lives. He also works with executive-level groups, providing clarity and structure to achieve a singular vision and a stronger team.

Jeremy holds a bachelor's degree in Marketing and an Executive MBA. His combination of corporate, academic, and entrepreneurial experience provides a diverse perspective of work and life. 

His purpose is to be a messenger of hope.

💎 FAQs

Jeremy's diverse life experiences have enabled him to connect with and relate to individuals from various backgrounds. He's followed his childhood dream, experienced loss, worked in corporate environments, experienced unemployment, and started multiple companies as an entrepreneur. This relatability is important because the more a trainer can connect with the audience, the deeper the impact will be. 

You've Tried This Alone. Self-Help Blogs & Videos Aren't Enough.

AI Can't Fix You.

It's Time to Get Personal Help with Your Transformation.

Look, Here's What it Comes Down to For You...

You're tired of feeling stuck, complacent, and unfulfilled. The longer you wait to do something about it, the shorter the life you will have to enjoy what you have become. How does that sit with you? It can be like quicksand pulling you down. Except, you have a way out. Do something about it.

Ask yourself this question: "What would my life be like if I continue living life the way that I have?" 

Now, ask yourself, "What could my life be like if I bet on myself, took action, and began the road of living my purpose?"

It's time to take the next step. 


Your Next Step to Growth

Complete the form below to apply to the EDGE Academy™ coaching program. You will be contacted in 7-10 business days. 


Though the goal of this coaching program is to help you unlock your talents and purpose, the results of this program are not guaranteed. As a coach, my role is to support and assist you in gaining emotional intelligence, mapping out your goals, tapping into your purpose, and putting an action plan together. Your level of success will heavily depend on your own internal motivation, vulnerability, commitment, and other factors that are not controllable. As a participant in this coaching program, you fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the coaching you receive through this program. 



Read the first chapter of my best-selling book, "Finding Your EDGE." This chapter provides a high-level view of how to unlock your talent and purpose.

Your email will be handled with care. Periodically, I'll send inspiration and course offers to your Inbox. I never spam and your info will not be sold.