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Online Fundraising Tools You May be Overlooking, Part 2 (Facebook Tools) fundraising nonprofit Oct 10, 2019

My last post took a look at some of Amazon’s tools that are available for nonprofits. This one is going to dive a bit into Facebook’s capabilities for your nonprofit.

Facebook Charitable Giving

What is it?

Facebook Charitable Giving is essentially the gateway to unlocking all of...

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Nonprofit Fundraising Tools You May be Overlooking, Part 1 (Amazon Tools) fundraising nonprofit Oct 03, 2019

The Q4 giving season is right around the corner and fundraising planning will be filled with talks of direct mail, email, search marketing, and a few other tactics. While these will cover most of individual fundraising, I’m kicking off this three-part blog series to talk about ways you can...

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Start-Up Nonprofit Marketing Checklist: What to do First Online (Part 2 of 3) fundraising nonprofit Sep 19, 2019

My last post covered some basics for nonprofits who are just getting started and looking to set up a low-cost option for a website. It’s important that you have your website set up before you branch out into other digital marketing efforts like social media and email. However, once your...

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Start-Up Nonprofit Marketing Checklist: What to do First Online (Part 1 of 3) fundraising marketing nonprofit Sep 11, 2019

Most of the nonprofit marketing I’ve been involved with have come from established nonprofits that have some level of online marketing or fundraising budget. However, I do come across brand new nonprofits from time-to-time that are just getting started from scratch with little to no...

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6 Ways Nonprofits Can Engage Donors Through Live Video on Social Media fundraising nonprofit Jul 31, 2019

It’s a fun, sick, and fascinating world we live in when it comes to social media. We get to hear rants we didn’t ask for from our friends and public figures. We get to watch funny or heart-warming videos that make our eyes well up with tears. And, thanks to Snapchat filters, we can...

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Today, You Woke Up (with video) May 19, 2019

Today, you woke up. Some people didn’t.

You got dressed, did your normal routine…probably used some means of transportation to get to school or work. The day is regular, status quo.

For you, that status quo may mean happiness, complacency, depression, or somewhere in between the...

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Comparing 2018 Digital Fundraising Benchmarks (Blackbaud vs. M+R) fundraising nonprofit Apr 30, 2019

Nonprofit leaders wear many hats. It’s quite the balance of pleasing many audiences, which includes donors, employees, community leaders, and those needing services (which is why the nonprofit exists in the first place). From a fundraising perspective, it involves keeping an eye on planned...

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Five Cultural Challenges Nonprofits Face With Digital Fundraising nonprofit Feb 21, 2019

“Transitioning from Direct Mail to Digital fundraising is easy, right?”

In the nonprofit world, direct mail is still king when it comes to generating revenue. This is one of the few industries in which this is the case, and I can confidently say it isn’t changing drastically...

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Fundraising Roadmap: How To Prioritize Your Digital Fundraising Channels fundraising nonprofit Feb 15, 2019

“If you had $10,000 to invest in your digital fundraising efforts, how would you invest it?”

This is a question I get a few times a year from different nonprofit clients. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer because it depends on overall fundraising strategy, technology,...

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Productivity: How to Gain 21 More Days in a Year (Includes Video) personal development Apr 23, 2018

As life moves at the speed of Moore’s Law, many of us are vying to discover a rare treasure. Not gold. Not diamonds. Not even Bitcoin. I’m talking about time. The average American gets 6.8 hours of sleep a night. The 17.2 hours we spend awake each day are filled with necessary agenda...

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Use This 6-Step Process To Achieve Any Goal personal development Oct 11, 2017

Goals are crucial to success in business and in your personal life. Yet they are sometimes neglected in both realms, as people often don’t follow goal-setting frameworks that provide continuity for business cycles and personal resolutions.

Over the past few years, I created the VOSTEK...

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What to do When Your Passion Isn’t Your Purpose personal development Sep 18, 2017

In my last blog, I talked about the difference between passion and purpose. I discussed the sweet spot where your passion(s) in life meets your purpose.

But what do you do when your passion isn’t your purpose?

First, you have to recognize whether or not your passion is your...

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